We students who have duties to study, understand all classes which were taught by teachers, to make deeper understanding about professional main lessons, develop ourselves in all fields of personal and academic activities. Also, most students do not have as much money as they want to spend and to buy things. Then, finally, we can do only one thing – that is COMPLAIN about time and others. But everybody knows that a day has 24 hours and your boss is only “YOU”. After that, even though students should be responsible for their own life, they are usually stressed without keeping up with the workload.
Everyone says to each other that student time used to be very nice, happy, free and everything was easy to understand. Probably, if we students are able to fulfill our obligations in time, we will mention our time as student’s nicely in the future.
That’s why I would like to give advice on behalf of students:
1. You should be smart about time; if 86400 (seconds) is thought to be 86400 tugrugs, we can spend it having no difficulty in a day including to buy food, to go to the movie theatre etc and we are very happy when it finished. Like this 24 hours of day must be spent joyfully, effectively and usefully.
2. You should not be stressed; for me, this phrase is good to tell myself in the evening and morning when I was stressed a little bit “and everyday starts new”.
3. Your goals must be understandable and clear to sit here in this university. If you do not understand why you chose this profession, your future of studying will be cloudy.
Nowadays, I am a student too. Sometimes I can’t keep up with classes, assignments and had little luck during exams. At that time, I try to follow the above suggested advice.
I don’t know how you keep up with your workload. So, if you have different methods and share with me, I will be grateful. Thank you for attention my post.
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1 month ago
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